Wow. Where has 2018 gone?! It’s hard to believe that a year has nearly passed since I officially launched this company. It’s been one whirlwind of a year, but I couldn’t be more thankful for the incredible ride it’s been. In keeping with a common new year’s even tradition, I’m reflecting on the year that’s passed and the many things the company has to look forward to in 2019.
Building a brand is an extensive process that doesn’t happen over night, and should involve a thorough, self-reflective deep-dive with an objective third-party. To get you started, we’ve curated a list of eight key questions to ask yourself (or have someone ask you) to kick-off your brand building process.
This week, we thought we’d take you through some of the most common misconceptions about the strategic business initiative that is brand, and help fill in some of the potential gaps along the way.
Have you ever looked at a company and thought to yourself, "they seem cohesive, put together, well-branded, and professional"? That’s probably because they employ a clear brand strategy — a tactic used in all sorts of different industries to differentiate businesses and build a loyal customer base.
Henryk Branding Co. Founder, Carina Ludgate, had the opportunity to sit down with Eric Cheng, Owner of 12 Creative Co. to talk brand. Watch the full interview…
What makes a brand truly great? The truth is, a great brand isn’t defined by its profits or popularity. It’s defined by its values, what it communicates to the public, how it makes a customer feel, the community it creates, and so much more.
If you live in Alberta, this one’s for you. We all know there are a myriad of amazing local brands in our great province, but here are 11 that really stood out to us:
It’s no secret that people are becoming more selective about the products and services they invest in. Instead of being motivated exclusively by price or product, consumers are choosing to invest in their social, environmental, and ethical values and are spending their money where their hearts are.
When most people think of a company’s “brand” their minds immediately shift to the visual identity of a company — logos, colours, fonts — all the visual elements one might associate with a company. Branding is actually so much more than a well-crafted logo, color scheme, or typeface.